<label> Label of a Figure, Reference, Etc.

Number and/or prefix word placed at the beginning of display elements (for example, equation, statement, figure).


As an example, a label placed at the beginning of an equation (<disp-formula>) could be a number such as “<label>Equation 3.</label>”, “<label>(3)</label>”, or “<label>3.</label>”.
Many objects can take explicit labels. For example, a <label> can contain the number or symbol used as a prefix character for a footnote that is placed at the point of the footnote reference. Similarly, the number and any prefix word associated with the title or the caption of a <fig> can be marked as a <label>, for example, “<label>Figure 3.</label>”, “<label>Exhibit 2.</label>”, or “<label>3.</label>”.
Sometimes a <label> needs to be pronounced in a way that is not reflected in its content or its tagging. The @alt attribute can be used to record the pronunciation for screen readers and other accessibility devices. For example, the element figure that follows might be pronounced as “Figure 3”.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  label        (#PCDATA %label-elements;)*                  >
Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | num | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | ruby | alternatives | inline-code | inline-graphic | inline-media | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | tbx:entailedTerm | xref | sub | sup)*

Tagged Samples
For bibliographic reference
<ref id="bibr40">
 <mixed-citation publication-type="book"
  ><collab>World Health Organization</collab>, <collab>World 
  Bank</collab>. (<year iso-8601-date="2011">2011</year>), 
  <source>World Report on Disability</source>, 
  <publisher-loc>Geneva</publisher-loc>, available at: 
For figure
<sec id="s5_1">
 <title>Two approaches to addressing accessibility in 
 <p><xref ref-type="fig" rid="f1">Figure 1</xref> provides 
  a graphical summary of how this Guide can be used.</p>
 <fig id="f1" orientation="portrait" position="anchor">
  <label>Figure 1</label>
   <title>Two approaches to address accessibility in 
  <graphic xlink:href="g3658.jpg"/>
For section with subsections
 <sec id="s4">
  <title>Accessibility in the standards development 
  <sec id="s4_1">
   <p>This clause outlines how accessibility can be 
    addressed in the standards development process:
    <list list-type="bullet">
     <list-item><p><xref ref-type="sec" rid="s4_2">4.2</xref> 
      contains general considerations for standards bodies 
      related to ...</p></list-item>
     <list-item><p><xref ref-type="sec" rid="s4_3">4.3</xref> 
      provides guidance for each of the respective stages of 
      the standards development process to ensure ...</p></list-item>
  <sec id="s4_2">
   <title>Considerations by standards bodies</title>
   <p>Standards bodies should develop a process for ...</p>
For table
<sec id="s6.7.1.5">
 <title>Ambient illumination</title>
 <p>This test is used to determine the ambient light 
  levels under which the scanner will operate.</p>
 <p>... Specific applications may not require the 
  extended range noted in <xref ref-type="table" 
  rid="t11">Table 11</xref>.</p>
 <table-wrap id="t11">
  <label>Table 11</label>
  <caption><title>Ambient illumination levels</title></caption>
     <th>Lighting Conditions</th>
     <th>Illumination Level Lux</th>
     <td>Dark room</td>
     <td>Desk top</td>
     <td>Overcast daylight</td>
     <td>Bright sunlight</td>
For equation
<p>In the case of dollies of diameter 20 mm, the 
 breaking strength, in megapascals, is given by
 <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="formula_2">Formula
 <disp-formula id="formula_2"
  ><mml:math display="block" 
     xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" >