<fixed-case> Fixed Case

Used to mark text in which the case of the content should not be changed, even if the content around it is styled to all upper case or all lower.


As an example, the word “PhD” should not be changed during display to either “phd” or “PHD”. An another example, the lower case unit of measure, the “micro”, would change magnitude if translated to upper case.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
Any combination of:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  fixed-case   (#PCDATA %emphasized-text;)*                 >
Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | email | ext-link | uri | inline-supplementary-material | related-article | related-object | citation-alternatives | element-citation | mixed-citation | std | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | num | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | ruby | alternatives | inline-code | inline-graphic | inline-media | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | tex-math | mml:math | abbrev | index-term | index-term-range-end | milestone-end | milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | tbx:entailedTerm | xref | std-ref | sub | sup)*

Tagged Samples
Part of an identification number in a title
<sec sec-type="roster">
 <title>ANSI/NISO Z39.23-1997 (S201<fixed-case>x</fixed-case>) 
  Review Voting Pool</title>
 <p>At the time this standard was converted to stabilized 
  maintenance (2016), the following were members of the 
  ANSI/NISO Z39.23-1997 (S201<fixed-case>x</fixed-case>) 
  Review Voting Pool.  NISO approval of this standard does 
  not necessarily imply that all Voting Members voted for 
  its approval.</p>
Preventing capitalization
<p>In <fixed-case>eBook</fixed-case> publishing, it is 
important ...</p>