Getting Started

This “Tag Library” provides interactive documentation for the NISO STS 1.2 Tag Suite that you can access through a Web browser. This document describes all the elements and attributes that can be used to tag standards in NISO STS and provides tagging advice and examples.
This Tag Library document includes:
Getting Started is the first chapter in the Tag Library, and it contains the following sections:
How to use get around the Tag Library pages, using the Navigation Bar (Navbar), Navbar collapse and expand arrows, page collapse/expand diamonds, and the search facility.
Structure of the Tag Library
Describes the sections of the Tag Library and what can be found in each and how to use the Tag Library to get started learning the tag set.
Introduction to NISO STS Tag Sets
Provides basic information about the NISO STS Tag Suite. What is the Scope of NISO STS? What was it designed to do? How are the top-level <standard> and <adoption> elements structured?
Root Elements
Names the <standard> and <adoption> elements as the root of this XML schema (DTD, XSD, and RNG).
Selecting a Model & Schema
Describes the different NISO STS schemas and how to choose the right one for your implementation.
Hierarchy Diagrams
Tree-like graphical representations of the content of many elements. This can be a fast, visual way to determine the structure of a standard or of any complex element within a standard.
Subsidiary sections:


Structure of the Tag Library

Introduction to NISO STS Tag Sets

Root Elements

Selecting a Model & Schema

Document Hierarchy Diagrams