
Source (in a citation)

Within a citation (such as a <mixed-citation> or an <element-citation>), this is the title of a journal, book, conference proceedings, etc. that is the source of the cited material.


Tagging Titles of Standards: The element <std>, which is a citation to a standard, uses the element <title> to tag the title of a standard rather than the element <source>.


Model Description

This element may be contained in:

Example 1

As part of a bibliographic reference for a book:
<ref id="bibr40">
 <mixed-citation><collab>World Health Organization</collab>, 
  <collab>World Bank</collab>. (<year iso-8601-date="2011">2011</year>), 
  <source>World Report on Disability</source>, 
  <publisher-loc>Geneva</publisher-loc>, available at: 

Example 2

As part of a bibliographic reference for a journal:
 <ref id="ref_4">
  <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"
   <source>Dtsch. Lebensmitt. Rundsch</source>. 
   <year iso-8601-date="1974">1974</year>, 
   <volume>70</volume> p. <fpage>57</fpage></mixed-citation>