
Date in Citation (in a citation)

A container element for any date that may be referenced in a citation, other than the publication date of the cited work. The @content-type attribute should be used to identify the purpose/type of date.


For example, if the <date-in-citation> element contains the date on which a contributor examined the cited work, the attribute might be “access-date”. Some online resources are changing so quickly that a citation to the resource is not complete without the date on which the cited resource was examined, since a day before or a day later the relevant material might be different. This element can be used to record such an access date.


Model Description

This element may be contained in:

Example 1

 <mixed-citation publication-type="report"
  <source>NISO/CLIR/RLG Technical Metadata for 
   Images Workshop, April 18-19, 1999</source> [Report]. 
  <publisher-loc>Bethesda, MD</publisher-loc>: 
  <publisher-name>National Information Standards 
  c<date-in-citation content-type="copyright" 

Example 2

 <mixed-citation publication-type="online" publication-format="online"
  ><person-group person-group-type="author"
  &#x201C;<article-title>Interval computations web 
   site</article-title>,&#x201D; accessed 
  <date-in-citation content-type="access-date"><month>August</month> 
   <day>28</day>, <year>2014</year></date-in-citation>, 