
Baseline Shift

The position of an inline graphic with respect to the current text baseline (above, on, or below the baseline).


Potential values include the values for baseline offset established as part of the W3C CSS specification and described below. In case of disagreement, values or definitions below are superseded by those in any official W3C publication.

Used on Element: <inline-graphic>

Text, numbers, or special charactersNames the position of the inline graphic.
RestrictionThis is an optional attribute; there is no default.

Suggested usage

Although designed to accept any text as its value, the following values are suggested for describing the position (above or below the current text baseline) for an inline graphic:
There is no shift; the inline graphic displays on the text baseline.
The inline graphic is offset below the baseline by the same amount as an ordinary subscript. (This is also an XSL-FO value.)
The inline graphic is offset above the baseline by the same amount as an ordinary superscript. (This is also an XSL-FO value.)
The inline graphic aligns with tallest character on the same line.
The inline graphic is offset above the baseline to the top of the tallest ascender.
The inline graphic is aligned to the middle of the text line (baseline plus half x-height).
The inline graphic aligns with the lowest element on the same line.
The inline graphic is offset below the baseline, to the bottom of the lowest descender.
The inline graphic is offset above (positive percent) or below (negative percent) this percentage of the line height. 0% is baseline. (This is also an XSL-FO value.)
The inline graphic is offset above (positive value) or below (negative value) by this amount. This value must carry its units as well as a numeric value. (This is also an XSL-FO value.)